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BOGOF AND BOGO ½ Price Deals

  1. Apply to both our Menus including Vegan and Vegetarian Menu.

  2. You can purchase off both the menus and the BOGF or BOGOF 1/2 price will work.

  3. The cheapest meal will be FREE and Half Price.

  4. Are based on two people eating in the building.

  5. One person may not buy a BOGOF and take a meal home.

  6. One person may not buy a BOGOF and eat the second meal the next day.

  7. These deals are not applicable on take-aways.

  8. The deals are not applicable on the Lasagna.

  9. The deals are as they are presented on the deals page.

  10. The restaurant version of the deals is the only one applicable.

  11. The deals are programmed on the tills so the staff are unable to process any other version.

  12. Our kitchen does not accept hand written or verbal orders.


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